Alcohol 101

Myths and Facts About Alcohol

MYTH: “I can drive well enough after a few drinks . . .”
FACT: 50% of all crashes among 18-24 year olds involve alcohol.

MYTH: I can sober up quickly if I have to . . .
FACT: It can take up to 2 hours to process one drink.

MYTH: Beer doesn’t have as much alcohol as hard liquor.
FACT: 12 oz. of beer = 1 shot of 80-proof liquor = 4.5 oz. glass of wine

MYTH: The more you drink, the better you feel!
FACT: Alcohol is biphasic: at low levels it produces feelings of euphoria; at high levels it produces unpleasant inebriating effects, such as vomiting, mood changes and passing out.

What is Binge Drinking Anyways?

Drinking a lot of alcohol in a short amount of time causing a very high blood alcohol level.
When a man consumes 5 or more drinks in a row within a 2 hour period.
When a woman consumes 4 or more drinks in a row within a 2 hour period.
30% of NMSU students reported memory loss as a result of binge drinking.  

Remember, one (1) drink is considered:

  • 12oz beer
  • 10oz wine cooler
  • 4oz wine
  • 1oz 80-proof liquor

Signs of a Problem Drinker

  • Drinking alone
  • Makes/finds excuses to drink
  • Hides their drinking
  • Inability to reduce or stop drinking
  • Neglects responsibilities
  • Change in appearance
  • Becomes involved in violent episodes when drinking
  • Has poor eating habits
  • Becomes angry when confronted about drinking
  • Has a decreased academic performance (

Alcohol Poisoning

If you know someone who has had too much to drink:

  • DO NOT LEAVE THE PERSON ALONE. Blood alcohol levels can continue to rise even after a person has passed out, so check on him/her often.
  • Try to wake the person up.
  • Place the person in fetal position with pillow at the back to prevent rolling to avoid the person choking on his/her own vomit.
  • Check for regular or shallow breathing.
  • Check for blue lips or pale skin.
  • Do not put a person in a cold shower – it can cause the person to go into physical shock.
  • Coffee will not sober a person up – the only thing that can sober someone up is TIME.
  • Do not hesitate to call 911.

 Call 911 ASAP if a Person is:

  • Unconscious, cannot be woken up or can only be awakened for a short time
  • Unaware of surroundings
  • Exhibits respiratory difficulties, including slow, labored breathing (10 breaths per minute or less is a MEDICAL EMERGENCY).
  • Blue under the fingernails or at gums
  • Cold, clammy, and/or bluish skin
  • Vomiting while semiconscious or unconscious

Tips for Reduced-Risk Partying

  • Plan ahead! Set a limit and stick to it.
  • Alternate between alcoholic drinks and water in order to stay hydrated and space out your alcohol intake.
  • Always have a designated driver. Plan on registering an account with Uber or Lyft or keep Crimson Cab’s number (524-TAXI; free rides for NMSU students with ID) in your phone.
  • Eat before and while you drink to help slow the absorption of alcohol.
  • Either avoid playing drinking games or cheat during. Drinking games can lead to drinking a larger amount of alcohol in a shorter amount of time, which could lead to you not realizing how intoxicated you’re becoming.
  • Know how much you are drinking: 1 drink = 1 4oz. glass of wine, 1 12oz. beer, 1 shot of 80-proof liquor. Mixed drinks may be more than one serving!
  • Use the buddy system. Stick with a group or a buddy, and make sure you look out for each other.
  • Keep an eye on your drink to protect yourself from date rape drugs – both men and women are at risk of being drugged.
  • Don’t drink from punch bowls or pitchers – they are easy to drug, potentially unhygienic, and it is difficult to keep track of how much you are drinking.
  • Remember that it’s okay to not drink; you can have a blast sober!

What You Know Could Save A Life

The ONLY THING that reverses the effects of alcohol is time … something you or your friends may not have if either of you is suffering from alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning occurs when a large amount of alcohol is consumed, usually in a short period of time. The human body can process about 1 to 1.5 ounces of alcohol an hour. This is the amount contained in a single standard drink such as a 12-ounce bottle of beer, or a 5-ounce glass of wine. Mixed drinks contain much more alcohol. A Long Island iced tea is 5 drinks in 1!

Danger Signals

  • The person is unconscious. Be aware that a person who has passed out may die!
  • Breathing is less than 12 times a minute or stops all together for longer than 10 seconds
  • Mental confusion, stupor
  • Vomiting
  • Seizure
  • Skin and/or lips are cold, pale, bluish in color

What To Do:

Call 911 immediately if any of the above signs are present:
  • Stay with the person experiencing alcohol poisoning.
  • Gently prop him/her on his/her side while waiting for the ambulance.
  • This will prevent him/her from choking if the person vomits while unconscious.
  • Even if the person lives, alcohol poisoning can lead to irreversible brain damage.

BE AWARE! Binge drinking is especially dangerous because the person can ingest a fatal dose of alcohol before becoming unconscious.

Anytime anyone has been drinking excessively, he or she should be watched carefully for risk signals (listed below) of impending alcohol poisoning:
  • Slurred Speech
  • Difficulty walking or standing up
  • Erratic Behavior
  • Inability to make eye contact or sustain a conversation
  • Feeling very ill, including vomiting
If you are concerned about someone who has had too much to drink, do not be afraid to seek medical help, or that your friend will be angry that you sought help for them. Better to be safe and have your friend alive and well.